Integración de la lengua inglesa en E.F.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Este trabajo fin de grado hablaremos sobre la importancia que está teniendo en la actualidad el inglés en el ámbito educativo y su aplicación a otras áreas como en este caso la Educación Fisca y algunas disciplinas correlacionadas con esta como son la expresión corporal y la psicomotricidad. En base a esto trabajaremos conceptos como el plurilingüismo y el bilingüismo dentro del aula de una forma más amplia, por otro lado analizaremos las diferentes teorías, metodologías, estrategias y recursos que se pueden aplicar para facilitar el proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje.
Por ultimo para finalizar este trabajo desarrollare una unidad didáctica, relacionada con el cuerpo humando para los alumnos de 4a de primaria impartida en inglés.
This final degree project we will talk about the importance that English is currently having in the educational field and its application to other areas such as in this case Fiscal Education and some disciplines correlated with it such as body expression and psychomotricity. Based on this we will work on concepts such as multilingualism and bilingualism within the classroom in a broader way, on the other hand we will analyze the different theories, methodologies, strategies and resources that can be applied to facilitate the teaching / learning process. Lastly, to finish this work, I will develop a didactic unit, related to the human body, for 4th grade primary students taught in English.
This final degree project we will talk about the importance that English is currently having in the educational field and its application to other areas such as in this case Fiscal Education and some disciplines correlated with it such as body expression and psychomotricity. Based on this we will work on concepts such as multilingualism and bilingualism within the classroom in a broader way, on the other hand we will analyze the different theories, methodologies, strategies and resources that can be applied to facilitate the teaching / learning process. Lastly, to finish this work, I will develop a didactic unit, related to the human body, for 4th grade primary students taught in English.
Palabras clave
Educación Física