Los Puntos de Conexión en los impuestos cedidos a las Comunidades Autónomas
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Vamos a conocer acerca de los recursos financieros que tanto
Estado como Constitución proporcionan y garantizan al sistema de
financiación de las Comunidades Autónomas, es decir, como cada
CC.AA. utiliza estos recursos y como la Residencia Habitual actúa
de forma fundamental para determinar qué y cómo se aplica un
impuesto en una determinada autonomía. La base de este trabajo
radica en la actividad financiera llevada a cabo por cada uno de los
residentes en España y de qué manera se organiza para buscar la
mayor coordinación y solidaridad entre las diferentes
administraciones y cada uno de los españoles, con el fin de saber
qué impuesto se aplica, saber cuántos días necesitamos residir para
poder tributar a efectos de la autonomía que proceda y saber,
según qué tipo de actividades, tienen mayor impacto en nuestra
[EN] We will know about the financia! resources that both State and Constitution provide and guarantee to the financing system of the Autonomous Communities, that 1s, how each Autonomous Community uses these resources and how the Habitual Residence acts in a fundamental way to determine what and how how a tax is applied in a given autonomy. The basis of this work lies in the financia! activity carried out by each of the residents in Spain and how it is organized to seek the greatest coordination and solidarity between the different administrations and each of the Spanish, in order to know what tax is applied, how many days do we need to reside in order to be able to pay for the autonomy that is appropriate and to know, according to what type of activities, have the greatest impact on our economy.
[EN] We will know about the financia! resources that both State and Constitution provide and guarantee to the financing system of the Autonomous Communities, that 1s, how each Autonomous Community uses these resources and how the Habitual Residence acts in a fundamental way to determine what and how how a tax is applied in a given autonomy. The basis of this work lies in the financia! activity carried out by each of the residents in Spain and how it is organized to seek the greatest coordination and solidarity between the different administrations and each of the Spanish, in order to know what tax is applied, how many days do we need to reside in order to be able to pay for the autonomy that is appropriate and to know, according to what type of activities, have the greatest impact on our economy.