La enseñanza de la lengua extranjera a través del juego como recurso en Educación Infantil
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El trabajo que se expone a continuación, pretende recoger los beneficios que tiene el juego en
la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera.
El juego acompaña al niño durante toda su vida y se vuelve indispensable para el
desarrollo humano, además de despertar la creatividad de nuestro alumnado y darnos la
posibilidad como docentes de aprender “EN” lengua extranjera que tiene mayores beneficios
que aprender la lengua extranjera.
El trabajo está compuesto por dos partes relacionadas, una primera de carácter teórico y
reflexivo donde se pueden conocer el proceso de adquisición de una lengua extranjera,
características y tipos de beneficios del juego y factores a tener en cuenta para conseguir
realizar con éxito una sesión de trabajo con el juego como protagonista; y una segunda parte
en la que se desarrolla una propuesta didáctica con una metodología fundamentada en la parte
Por lo tanto, la finalidad del trabajo será conocer la forma óptima de utilizar el juego para
la enseñanza de lengua extranjera.
The work that I have presented, try to show the benefits that the game has in the teaching a foreign language. The game accompanies the child throughout his life and becomes essential for human development, and bring back the creativity of our students and give us the opportunity as teachers of learning "IN" foreign language that has more benefits than learning the foreign language. The work are compossed by two related parts. Firstly a theoretical and reflective part where you can learn the process of acquiring a foreign language, characteristics and types of benefits for getting with success one work session with the game like focus; 2 secondly another part in which I have developed a didactic propose with a methodology based on the theoretical part. Therefore, the purpose of the work will know how we can use the game for teaching a foreign language.
The work that I have presented, try to show the benefits that the game has in the teaching a foreign language. The game accompanies the child throughout his life and becomes essential for human development, and bring back the creativity of our students and give us the opportunity as teachers of learning "IN" foreign language that has more benefits than learning the foreign language. The work are compossed by two related parts. Firstly a theoretical and reflective part where you can learn the process of acquiring a foreign language, characteristics and types of benefits for getting with success one work session with the game like focus; 2 secondly another part in which I have developed a didactic propose with a methodology based on the theoretical part. Therefore, the purpose of the work will know how we can use the game for teaching a foreign language.