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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]En el presente trabajo trato de estudiar el sistema de gobierno recogido en las constituciones comprendidas en el periodo 1812-1931, en concreto, resaltar la influencia del constitucionalismo español sobre el chileno. Para ello, iré comentando el contexto histórico, características y vigencia de cada uno de los textos constitucionales que a lo largo del tiempo han sido aprobados. Además, destacaré las reformas y modificaciones acaecidas en dichas constituciones.
El trabajo lo he dividido en tres capítulos. La finalidad es sintetizar la información y poder ver de una forma más clara y concisa las similitudes y diferencias entre las constituciones de ambos hemisferios. Además del protagonismo que han tenido las instituciones políticas administrativas en los diferentes textos constitucionales.
[EN]In the present work I try to study the system of government collected in the constitutions included in the period 1812-1931, in particular, to highlight the influence of Spanish constitutionalism on the Chilean. For this, I will comment on the historical context, characteristics and validity of each of the constitutional texts that have been approved over time. In addition, I will highlight the reforms and changes that have taken place in those constitutions. I have divided the work into three chapters. The purpose is to synthesize the information and to be able to see in a more clear and concise way the similarities and differences between the constitutions of both hemispheres. In addition to the role played by political administrative institutions in the different constitutional texts.
[EN]In the present work I try to study the system of government collected in the constitutions included in the period 1812-1931, in particular, to highlight the influence of Spanish constitutionalism on the Chilean. For this, I will comment on the historical context, characteristics and validity of each of the constitutional texts that have been approved over time. In addition, I will highlight the reforms and changes that have taken place in those constitutions. I have divided the work into three chapters. The purpose is to synthesize the information and to be able to see in a more clear and concise way the similarities and differences between the constitutions of both hemispheres. In addition to the role played by political administrative institutions in the different constitutional texts.