El dibujo infantil a través de los cuentos
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El trabajo trata sobre el dibujo en Educación Infantil, ya que a partir del dibujo podemos conocer mucho más las características e intereses del alumnado, a través de aspectos como son, entre otras, el color y la representación en el espacio. El tema se realizará a través de los cuentos, más concretamente "El Principito".
Se desarrollará con niños y niñas de cuatro años, por lo que algunos/as alumnos/as estarán terminando la etapa del garabateo y otros/as estarán entrando en la etapa preesquemática, de esta forma, el trabajo estará centrado en estas dos. Para la elección del tema me he basado en un cuento, ya que tanto la lectura como el dibujo son muy importantes para nuestras vidas y un correcto desarrollo, estando muy unidas y trabajando conjuntamente. En ellas el alumnado representará las ideas que más les haya gustado o llamado la atención del libro, dibujarán a sus personajes, capítulos, etc. El libro que he elegido es "El Principito" ya que este aporta grandes ideas acerca del pensamiento y de las acciones. Los trabajos que realizarán serán en 2-D y 3D.
My final project is about drawing in infant education, because from it we can know characteristics and interests in detail of the students: the colour and the representation in the space. The theme will be developed through stories, concretely "The little Prince". It will be developed with four-year children, so some students will be finishing the scribbling stage and others will be entering the pre-schematic stage, so I will focus on these two. In order to choose of the theme I've based a tale, since both reading and drawing are very important to our lives, and correct development, being very united and working together. Children will represent the ideas they have been enjoyed the most or attracked their attention most and will draw his characters, chapters, etc. The book I've chosen is "The little Prince" as this brings great ideas about thinking and actions. Projects will be drawn in 2-3 dimensions
My final project is about drawing in infant education, because from it we can know characteristics and interests in detail of the students: the colour and the representation in the space. The theme will be developed through stories, concretely "The little Prince". It will be developed with four-year children, so some students will be finishing the scribbling stage and others will be entering the pre-schematic stage, so I will focus on these two. In order to choose of the theme I've based a tale, since both reading and drawing are very important to our lives, and correct development, being very united and working together. Children will represent the ideas they have been enjoyed the most or attracked their attention most and will draw his characters, chapters, etc. The book I've chosen is "The little Prince" as this brings great ideas about thinking and actions. Projects will be drawn in 2-3 dimensions
Palabras clave
Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación