¿Voluntarios o buscadores de empleo?
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El colectivo juvenil objeto principal de interés de esta propuesta de investigación es tan variado como los son los orígenes sociales de cada uno. Éstos influirán tanto en la trayectoria escolar como en la profesional. La presente propuesta de investigación tiene como propósito conocer como el voluntariado sirve como vía de escape para la juventud sin empleo en época de crisis. En primer lugar, se comenzará con la definición del concepto “juventud” para seguir con un repaso de cómo ha sido la evolución del sistema escolar y cómo funciona el mercado laboral ante la crisis económica. Por último se ha hecho un acercamiento a la realidad existente del voluntariado y a cómo está jugando un papel cada vez más importante en nuestra sociedad. Con todo ello bien clarificado se plantea investigar en una serie de asociaciones de la provincia de Jaén, cuál es el papel que desarrollan las personas voluntarias y los Trabajadores sociales que en ellas trabajan para así poder hacer una comparación de cómo a lo largo de la crisis el papel del voluntariado ha ido ganando importancia y a la vez cambiando de significado.
The juvenile group principal object of interest of this offer of investigation is so changed like they them are the social origins of each one. These will influence both the school path and professional. The present offer of investigation has as intention knows as the voluntary work serves as route of leak for the youth without employment in epoch of crisis. First, it will be begun by the definition of the concept "youth" to continue with a revision of how it has been the evolution of the school system and how the labor market works before the economic crisis. Finally an approximation has been done to the existing reality of the voluntary work and to since it is playing a role increasingly important in our society. With all this well clarified it considers to investigate in a series of associations of the province of Jaen, which is the role that there develop the voluntary persons and the social Workers who at them are employed to be able like this way to do a comparison of how along the crisis the role of the voluntary work has been gaining importance and simultaneously changing meaning.
The juvenile group principal object of interest of this offer of investigation is so changed like they them are the social origins of each one. These will influence both the school path and professional. The present offer of investigation has as intention knows as the voluntary work serves as route of leak for the youth without employment in epoch of crisis. First, it will be begun by the definition of the concept "youth" to continue with a revision of how it has been the evolution of the school system and how the labor market works before the economic crisis. Finally an approximation has been done to the existing reality of the voluntary work and to since it is playing a role increasingly important in our society. With all this well clarified it considers to investigate in a series of associations of the province of Jaen, which is the role that there develop the voluntary persons and the social Workers who at them are employed to be able like this way to do a comparison of how along the crisis the role of the voluntary work has been gaining importance and simultaneously changing meaning.