Propuesta didáctica basada en la Neurodiversidad y el Trastorno Autista
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En este Trabajo Fin de Grado se trabajará la inclusión de un trastorno del desarrollo que necesita ser reconocido socialmente para poder responder de manera adecuada e individualizada a unas necesidades educativas, el trastorno autista. Para ello, es necesario mirar desde una perspectiva diferente a la actual, se trata de la Neurodiversidad. Apostar por la diversidad, ofrecer oportunidades para aprender de manera diferente y olvidar la convivencia segregadora son los aspectos que la definen. Es por todo ello, que en este trabajo se abordará una propuesta didáctica destinada a un alumno de quinto de primaria con Trastorno Autista y basada en estos principios.
La estructura en la que se organiza este escrito es la siguiente. En primer lugar, nos encontramos con un apartado más teórico: introducción, justificación y antecedentes teóricos. En segundo lugar, todos los aspectos que conforman la propuesta de didáctica. Y, por último, una bibliografía y unos anexos que completan de una manera enriquecedora esta labor.
In this Final Degree Project, we will work on the inclusion of a developmental disorder that needs to be socially recognized in order to respond adequately and individually to educational needs, the autistic disorder. For this, it is necessary to look from a different perspective to the current one, it is Neurodiversity. Betting on diversity, offering opportunities to learn in a different way and forgetting the segregating coexistence are the aspects that define it. It is for all these reasons that this paper will address a didactic proposal for a fifth-grade student with Autistic Disorder based on these principles. The structure in which this paper is organized is as follows. First, we find a more theoretical section: introduction, justification and theoretical background. Secondly, all the aspects that make up the didactic proposal. And finally, a bibliography and annexes that complete this work in an enriching way.
In this Final Degree Project, we will work on the inclusion of a developmental disorder that needs to be socially recognized in order to respond adequately and individually to educational needs, the autistic disorder. For this, it is necessary to look from a different perspective to the current one, it is Neurodiversity. Betting on diversity, offering opportunities to learn in a different way and forgetting the segregating coexistence are the aspects that define it. It is for all these reasons that this paper will address a didactic proposal for a fifth-grade student with Autistic Disorder based on these principles. The structure in which this paper is organized is as follows. First, we find a more theoretical section: introduction, justification and theoretical background. Secondly, all the aspects that make up the didactic proposal. And finally, a bibliography and annexes that complete this work in an enriching way.
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Educación Especial