Violencia filio-parental en adolescentes. Prevalencia y variables estructurales familiares.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El objetivo principal de este estudio fue explorar la prevalencia de violencia filio-parental y los motivos para llevarla a cabo, así como una serie de variables familiares estructurales en estudiantes adolescentes. La muestra estuvo compuesto por un total de 246 adolescentes con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 18 años de la provincia de Jaén. Para ello se utilizó un cuestionario ad hoc para evaluar las variables familiares estructurales, junto con un instrumento para evaluar los distintos tipos de VFP y los motivos. Los resultados indicaron que la mayoría de los menores agresores agredían de forma similar tanto al padre como hacia la madre, siendo más frecuentes las agresiones psicológicas/verbales. No obstante, se encontraron diferencias significativas en el tipo de maltrato ejercido entre chicos y chicas. Los motivos más frecuentes fueron, tanto para chicos como para chicas, el cumplimiento de horarios, tareas y responsabilidades, así como temas escolares y exigencias del menor a los padres (compras, dinero). Se encontraron diferencias en la víctima del maltrato dependiendo del tipo de familia y la situación económica. Sin embargo, no se encontraron diferencias en cuanto al número de hermanos y lugar ocupado entre ellos. Se discuten los resultados obtenidos destacando las implicaciones para futuros programas de prevención, detección precoz y tratamiento con menores agresores.
The main objective of this study was to explore the prevalence of child-to-parent violence and reasons to carry it out, as well as a series of structural family variables among adolescent students. The sample consisted of a total of 246 adolescents aged between 12 and 18 years in the province of Jaen. To this end an ad hoc questionnaire was used to assess the structural family variables, along with a tool to assess the different types of VFP and motives. The results indicated that most minor offenders similarly assaulted both the father and to the mother, being more frequent psychological/verbal abuse. However, significant differences in the type of abuse exercised between boys and girls were found. The most common reasons were, both for boys and for girls, meeting schedules, tasks and responsibilities and school issues and needs of the child to parents (shopping, money). Differences in the victim of abuse depending on the type of family and economic situation were found. However, no 5 differences in the number of brothers and busy place between them were found. The results are discussed highlighting the implications for future prevention, early detection and treatment with minor offenders.
The main objective of this study was to explore the prevalence of child-to-parent violence and reasons to carry it out, as well as a series of structural family variables among adolescent students. The sample consisted of a total of 246 adolescents aged between 12 and 18 years in the province of Jaen. To this end an ad hoc questionnaire was used to assess the structural family variables, along with a tool to assess the different types of VFP and motives. The results indicated that most minor offenders similarly assaulted both the father and to the mother, being more frequent psychological/verbal abuse. However, significant differences in the type of abuse exercised between boys and girls were found. The most common reasons were, both for boys and for girls, meeting schedules, tasks and responsibilities and school issues and needs of the child to parents (shopping, money). Differences in the victim of abuse depending on the type of family and economic situation were found. However, no 5 differences in the number of brothers and busy place between them were found. The results are discussed highlighting the implications for future prevention, early detection and treatment with minor offenders.
Palabras clave
Psicología social