El cuento como recurso para la enseñanza del inglés en Educación Primaria
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El trabajo que se presenta tiene la finalidad de mostrar algunas ideas alternativas para el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras, en este caso la utilización del cuento, en Educación Primaria. Para ello analizaremos las características que tienen los cuentos, distintas teorías sobre el desarrollo cognitivo y cómo podemos adaptarlos para fomentar un aprendizaje más dinámico y lograr el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa.
Así mismo debemos conocer qué características tienen los alumnos/as a esta edad para poder elegir los cuentos que sean más convenientes y que propicien el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera más fácilmente.
The present work has as purpose show some alternative ideas for the process of learning-teaching of foreign languages, the use of the tales in this case, in Educación Primaria. In order to do that, characteristics of the tales are going to be analysed, as well as what students’ characteristics could strengthen, different theories about cognitive development and how adapt them to encourage a more dynamic learning and achieve the development of the communicative competence. Similarly, we must recognize what characteristics have the students at this age to could select the more convenient tales that could propitiate an easier learning of a foreign language.
The present work has as purpose show some alternative ideas for the process of learning-teaching of foreign languages, the use of the tales in this case, in Educación Primaria. In order to do that, characteristics of the tales are going to be analysed, as well as what students’ characteristics could strengthen, different theories about cognitive development and how adapt them to encourage a more dynamic learning and achieve the development of the communicative competence. Similarly, we must recognize what characteristics have the students at this age to could select the more convenient tales that could propitiate an easier learning of a foreign language.
Palabras clave
Educación especial