Plan de Marketing para un nuevo negocio: “Espacio de ocio enfocado en la velocidad”
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El siguiente documento, desarrolla las capacidades adquiridas durante el Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas. Para ello, el tema presentado por Ismael Rodríguez Ramírez, consiste en un Plan de Marketing para un nuevo negocio.
El documento se estructura en dos partes: la primera contiene la base teórica para el desarrollo de un plan de Marketing y en ella se explica la importancia de este documento como hoja de ruta para la planificación comercial de un negocio, así como las fases en las que se estructura un plan. Para el desarrollo de esta primera parte se ha utilizado bibliografía especializada en el tema objeto de estudio. En la segunda parte se desarrolla el plan de Marketing para un nuevo espacio de ocio en la ciudad de Jaén, formado por las fases explicadas en la parte teórica.
Para finalizar, expone una serie de conclusiones sobre la viabilidad comercial del negocio analizado.
[EN]The following document develops the skills acquired during the Degree in Business Administration and Management, carried out at the University of Jaén. The matter presented by the student Ismael Rodríguez Ramírez, consists of a Marketing Plan for a new business. The document is structured in two parts: the first contains the theoretical basis for the development of a Marketing plan and it explains the importance of this document as a roadmap for the commercial planning of a business, as well as the phases that a plan is structured. For the development of this part, specialized bibliography has been used in the subject under study. In the second part, the Marketing plan is developed for a new leisure space in the city of Jaén, formed by the phases explained in the theoretical part. Finally, a series of conclusions on the commercial viability of the analyzed business are presented.
[EN]The following document develops the skills acquired during the Degree in Business Administration and Management, carried out at the University of Jaén. The matter presented by the student Ismael Rodríguez Ramírez, consists of a Marketing Plan for a new business. The document is structured in two parts: the first contains the theoretical basis for the development of a Marketing plan and it explains the importance of this document as a roadmap for the commercial planning of a business, as well as the phases that a plan is structured. For the development of this part, specialized bibliography has been used in the subject under study. In the second part, the Marketing plan is developed for a new leisure space in the city of Jaén, formed by the phases explained in the theoretical part. Finally, a series of conclusions on the commercial viability of the analyzed business are presented.