Matemáticas a través de la Música en Educación Primaria: Reflexión y Propuesta de actividades
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Este trabajo presenta la conexión entre música y las matemáticas, a menudo olvidada, y defiende el potencial educativo de esta unión para que el alumnado de Educación Primaria pueda ser competente en diversas áreas. Además aporta una bibliografía de gran utilidad para que el lector pueda juzgar por sí mismo los vínculos de áreas tan aparentemente distintas como la de Matemáticas y la Música dentro de la Educación Artística y algunos hitos y tópicos históricos La revisión de la literatura ha inspirado actividades interdisciplinares encaminadas a aprender contenidos de los distintos bloques y ciclos. Además han sido encontrados multitud de recursos metodológicos que pueden ser fácilmente adaptables a cualquier curso de Educación Primaria, y los cuales supondrían unas conexiones neurológicas grandiosas, fuera del panóptico educacional, dando así lugar a una mayor interdisciplinariedad, puesto que el Currículum actual no responde a ello. Por tanto, ¿sería posible adaptar las clases de música para el aprendizaje de contenidos puramente matemáticos?
This work presents the possibility of using other methodologies so that the students of Primary Education can be competent in areas such as Mathematics. It also provides a bibliography of great utility with the aim that the reader can judge for himself the links that different áreas such as Mathematics and Music inside the Arts Education supposedly have. Thanks to this bibliography, a multitude of methodological resources have been found, which can easily be adapted to any Primary Education course, and which would entail grand neurological connections, outside the educational panopticon, thus giving rise to a greater interdisciplinarity, since the Current curriculum does not respond to this. Would it be possible to adapt music classes for learning purely mathematical content?
This work presents the possibility of using other methodologies so that the students of Primary Education can be competent in areas such as Mathematics. It also provides a bibliography of great utility with the aim that the reader can judge for himself the links that different áreas such as Mathematics and Music inside the Arts Education supposedly have. Thanks to this bibliography, a multitude of methodological resources have been found, which can easily be adapted to any Primary Education course, and which would entail grand neurological connections, outside the educational panopticon, thus giving rise to a greater interdisciplinarity, since the Current curriculum does not respond to this. Would it be possible to adapt music classes for learning purely mathematical content?
Palabras clave
Educación Musical