Psychoanalysis in English Literature: Freud's Conception of the Human Mind and of the Involved Processes in Fiction Written Prior to Charcot
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En Charcot (1893), Sigmund Freud (1853-1936) comienza a desarrollar una de las teorías con mayor influencia sobre la estructura de la mente: el psicoanálisis, o el estudio del inconsciente. Sus obras más importantes han influenciado a la literatura, ya que diferentes escuelas de crítica literaria que parten de premisas psicoanalíticas nacieron en el siglo 20th No obstante, la exploración de la mente humana desde una perspectiva literaria no es un hecho post-Freudiano, debido a que el contexto sociohistórico de los siglos 18th y especialmente 19th llevaron a varios autores a mostrar en obras de ficción aspectos similares a las ideas psicoanalíticas desarrolladas después por Freud. Este trabajo pretende considerar concepciones de la mente y de los procesos implicados similares desde un punto de vista literario en un número de obras de ficción en lengua inglesa previas a la publicación de Charcot en 1893.
In Charcot (1893), Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) starts to develop one of the most influential theories concerning the structure of the human psyche: psychoanalysis, or the study of the unconscious. Freud’s most relevant works have influenced literature, for various schools of literary criticism based on the main psychoanalytical premises appeared in the 20th century. Nevertheless, the examination of the human mind from a literary perspective is not a post-Freudian event, since the historical and social context of the 18th, and especially of the 19th century, led several authors to show in their fictional works sundry traces of psychoanalysis. This paper aims to deem similar conceptions of the mind and of the involved processes in a number of literary pieces before the publication of Charcot in 1893.
In Charcot (1893), Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) starts to develop one of the most influential theories concerning the structure of the human psyche: psychoanalysis, or the study of the unconscious. Freud’s most relevant works have influenced literature, for various schools of literary criticism based on the main psychoanalytical premises appeared in the 20th century. Nevertheless, the examination of the human mind from a literary perspective is not a post-Freudian event, since the historical and social context of the 18th, and especially of the 19th century, led several authors to show in their fictional works sundry traces of psychoanalysis. This paper aims to deem similar conceptions of the mind and of the involved processes in a number of literary pieces before the publication of Charcot in 1893.
Palabras clave
Literatura en lengua inglesa