Programa de intervención: La gratitud en adolescentes
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El objetivo del presente Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM) es crear un programa de intervención dirigido a adolescentes de 14 -15 años, para entrenar la fortaleza de la gratitud desde el ámbito de la Psicología Positiva, cuya finalidad es mejorar las relaciones familiares. Teniendo en cuenta que la etapa de la adolescencia es especialmente conflictiva y se caracteriza por tener unas relaciones familiares insatisfactorias. Se constata en numerosas intervenciones que la muestra de agradecimiento hacia los demás, en especial, dirigida a la familia, nos aportará bienestar tanto a nivel personal como a nivel familiar, sobre todo, por estar presente en los adolescentes y además promueve el afecto positivo y correlaciona de forma positiva con comportamientos pros sociales. Los objetivos específicos del programa serán aumentar el bienestar familiar, el afecto positivo y reducir los conflictos familiares. La metodología que se llevará a cabo es cuasi-experimental con un grupo control y un grupo experimental. Por lo tanto, la intervención se compone de 8 sesiones para el entrenamiento de esta fortaleza, a lo largo de las sesiones se trabajarán los objetivos planteados mediante diversas actividades que enlazan con la siguiente sesión y finalizan con una tarea para casa. Por último, los beneficios esperados será que aumentará el bienestar familiar, incrementará el afecto positivo y se reducirán los conflictos familiares.
[EN] The objective of this Master’s project’s to create an intervention program aimed at adolescents aged 14-15 years, to train the strength of gratitude in the field of Positive Psychology, whose purpose is to improve family relationships. Bearing in mind that the stage of adolescence is especially conflictive, moreover is characterized by having unsatisfactory family relationships. In different interventions, the expression of gratitude to others is directed to the family, will bring us wellbeing both personally and at the family level, specially because it is very common in adolescents and also promotes the positive affect and correlates positively with social pro behaviours. The specific objectives of the program will be to increase family welfare, positive affect and reduce family conflicts. The methodology that will be applied is quasi-experimental with a control group and an experimental group. Therefore, the intervention consists of 8 sessions for the training of this strength, throughout the sessions, will be worked the objectives with variety the activities that continue to the next session and end with a homework activity. Finally, the expected benefits will be increase the family well-being, positive affect and family conflicts will be reduced.
[EN] The objective of this Master’s project’s to create an intervention program aimed at adolescents aged 14-15 years, to train the strength of gratitude in the field of Positive Psychology, whose purpose is to improve family relationships. Bearing in mind that the stage of adolescence is especially conflictive, moreover is characterized by having unsatisfactory family relationships. In different interventions, the expression of gratitude to others is directed to the family, will bring us wellbeing both personally and at the family level, specially because it is very common in adolescents and also promotes the positive affect and correlates positively with social pro behaviours. The specific objectives of the program will be to increase family welfare, positive affect and reduce family conflicts. The methodology that will be applied is quasi-experimental with a control group and an experimental group. Therefore, the intervention consists of 8 sessions for the training of this strength, throughout the sessions, will be worked the objectives with variety the activities that continue to the next session and end with a homework activity. Finally, the expected benefits will be increase the family well-being, positive affect and family conflicts will be reduced.