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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]La educación es un derecho fundamental para todas las personas que integran este
mundo, está destinada a todas las niñas y niños independientemente de las fortalezas,
capacidades, debilidades y diferencias que posea cada uno. Vivimos en sociedad y la
sociedad la creamos todas y todos, es por esto que se debe concienciar sobre todo lo
relativo a la discapacidad, en este caso, la auditiva, además de trabajar con este
alumnado de manera efectiva buscando la potenciación de sus capacidades y
habilidades, teniendo en cuenta las condiciones bajo las que se encuentran debido a
dicha discapacidad en el contexto escolar. Este programa está enfocado a dos alumnos
con discapacidad auditiva y además contamos con la participación del resto de
compañeros, aspecto que defiende la inclusión social de todas las personas.
Principalmente se busca trabajar aspectos tanto internos como externos, es decir,
aspectos relativos a las capacidades propias del alumnado y al entorno que les rodea.
Palabras clave: Discapacidad auditiva, contexto escolar, capacidades, habilidades,
inclusión social
[EN]Education is a fundamental right for all people in this world, it is aimed at all girls and boys regardless of their strengths, capacities, weaknesses and differences. We live in society and society is created by all, that is why we must raise awareness about everything related to the disability, in this case, the auditory, in addition to working with this student effectively seeking to empower their abilities and abilities, taking into account the conditions under which they find themselves due to this disability in the school context. This program is aimed at two students with hearing impairment and we also count on the participation of the other students, aspect that defends the social inclusion of all people. The main aim is to work on both internal and external aspects, that is, aspects relating to the students' own abilities and the environment around them. Keywords: Hearing impairment, school context, skills, abilities, social inclusion
[EN]Education is a fundamental right for all people in this world, it is aimed at all girls and boys regardless of their strengths, capacities, weaknesses and differences. We live in society and society is created by all, that is why we must raise awareness about everything related to the disability, in this case, the auditory, in addition to working with this student effectively seeking to empower their abilities and abilities, taking into account the conditions under which they find themselves due to this disability in the school context. This program is aimed at two students with hearing impairment and we also count on the participation of the other students, aspect that defends the social inclusion of all people. The main aim is to work on both internal and external aspects, that is, aspects relating to the students' own abilities and the environment around them. Keywords: Hearing impairment, school context, skills, abilities, social inclusion
Palabras clave
Orientación Educativa