Las categorías gramaticales: el verbo.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)Este Trabajo Fin de Máster nace con la intención de acercar contenidos de la asignatura de Lengua Castellana
y Literatura a los alumnos de 2o de la ESO, realizando para ello una unidad didáctica basada en las categorías
gramaticales, su clasificación y los aspectos que definen al verbo en español.
(EN)This Master's Thesis was born with the intention of bringing the contents of the subject of Spanish Language and Literature closer to the students of the 2nd year of ESO, carrying out a didactic unit based on the grammatical categories, his classification and the aspects that define the verb in Spanish.
(EN)This Master's Thesis was born with the intention of bringing the contents of the subject of Spanish Language and Literature closer to the students of the 2nd year of ESO, carrying out a didactic unit based on the grammatical categories, his classification and the aspects that define the verb in Spanish.