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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El actual Trabajo Fin de Máster persigue hacer un reconocimiento sobre los distintos factores que provocan la deficiencia visual en las personas y la forma de actuar en el aula para alcanzar su integración. Actualmente es necesario llevar a cabo una metodología en el aula que nos permita integrar al alumnado con diversidad visual, por lo tanto, se deben de preparar una serie de adaptaciones curriculares para la edad y aspectos psicoevolutivos de cada estudiante. El proyecto de intervención propuesto aboga por mejorar la integración de estos estudiantes en el aula ordinaria.
[EN] The current Master's End Work seeks to recognize the various factors that cause visual impairment in people and how to act in the classroom to achieve their integration. At the moment it is necessary to carry out a methodology in the classroom that allows us to integrate the students with visual diversity, therefore, a series of curricular adaptations for the age and psicoevolutivos aspects of each student must be prepared. The proposed intervention project advocates improving the integration of these students in the ordinary classroom.
[EN] The current Master's End Work seeks to recognize the various factors that cause visual impairment in people and how to act in the classroom to achieve their integration. At the moment it is necessary to carry out a methodology in the classroom that allows us to integrate the students with visual diversity, therefore, a series of curricular adaptations for the age and psicoevolutivos aspects of each student must be prepared. The proposed intervention project advocates improving the integration of these students in the ordinary classroom.
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