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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El presente trabajo fin de grado se ocupa del Impuesto sobre vehículos de tracción mecánica. Se analiza cómo el impuesto ha ido evolucionando a través de las modificaciones normativas hasta su actual regulación, así como su naturaleza y características.
A través de este estudio se puede observar que el Impuesto sobre vehículos de tracción mecánica genera ciertos problemas hoy día, dado que algunos ayuntamientos se quejan de que otros bajen demasiado la cuota tributaria del impuesto, provocando supuestamente la pérdida de contribuyentes de esos municipios, por querer pagar la menor cuota posible por dicho impuesto, intentando deslocalizarse los mismos.
También se recogen las medidas que los autores proponen para la mejora del impuesto, así como la problemática que puede generar a nivel de la Unión Europea.
[EN] This final project deals with the tax on motor vehicles. It is analyzed how the tax has evolved through regulatory changes to its current policy, what kind of tax is and its characteristics. Through this study, I observed that the tax on motor vehicles creates certain problems today as some municipalities complain that others get to the tax amount of tax and this causes the other municipalities are going citizens allegedly since they want to pay the lowest possible fee for the tax. The measures they propose to improve the tax, and the problems that can generate are also collected at the level of the European Union.
[EN] This final project deals with the tax on motor vehicles. It is analyzed how the tax has evolved through regulatory changes to its current policy, what kind of tax is and its characteristics. Through this study, I observed that the tax on motor vehicles creates certain problems today as some municipalities complain that others get to the tax amount of tax and this causes the other municipalities are going citizens allegedly since they want to pay the lowest possible fee for the tax. The measures they propose to improve the tax, and the problems that can generate are also collected at the level of the European Union.