El tratamiento del acoso escolar en los medios de comunicación
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] La angustia con la que conviven las víctimas, el amparo que recibe el acosador cuyas conductas quedan
impunes en ocasiones y la indefensión e insensibilización por parte de los espectadores, son temas a tratar y
que deben resolverse desde una visión social, no únicamente contemplándose como casos aislados. Los
tratamientos ideales son la educación y la prevención, que deben trabajarse desde temprana edad, en el
colegio y los institutos, incluyendo al alumnado y a las familias. Tratando de hacer hincapié en la gravedad
del asunto, el trabajo pretende dar voz a la situación que viven a diario miles de jóvenes, revisar cómo
tratan los medios el asunto, prevenir el abuso escolar, proponer cambios en el sistema educativo y ofrecer
posibles soluciones o vías de escape para quienes sufren situaciones similares.
Palabras clave: acoso escolar, medios de comunicación, prensa, ciberbullying, TIC
[EN] The anguish with which the victims live, the protection received by the harasser whose behaviors sometimes go unpunished, and the defenselessness and desensitization on the part of the spectators, are issues to be addressed and that must be resolved from a social perspective, not only contemplated as cases isolated. The ideal treatments are education and prevention, which should be worked on from an early age, in schools and institutes, including students and families. Trying to emphasize the seriousness of the matter, the work intends to give voice to the situation that thousands of young people experience daily, review how the media deals with the matter, prevent school abuse, propose changes in the educational system and offer possible solutions or escape routes for those who suffer similar situations. Key words: bullying, mass media, press, cyberbullying, ICT
[EN] The anguish with which the victims live, the protection received by the harasser whose behaviors sometimes go unpunished, and the defenselessness and desensitization on the part of the spectators, are issues to be addressed and that must be resolved from a social perspective, not only contemplated as cases isolated. The ideal treatments are education and prevention, which should be worked on from an early age, in schools and institutes, including students and families. Trying to emphasize the seriousness of the matter, the work intends to give voice to the situation that thousands of young people experience daily, review how the media deals with the matter, prevent school abuse, propose changes in the educational system and offer possible solutions or escape routes for those who suffer similar situations. Key words: bullying, mass media, press, cyberbullying, ICT