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El presente trabajo versará sobre el voluntariado y las personas que realizan la acción voluntaria. Para ello se hará un recorrido a lo largo de la historia con el fin de demostrar que no se trata de un fenómeno nuevo, si bien es cierto que ha variado su forma de entenderlo a lo largo de las diferentes etapas. Para profundizar más en el tema se ahondará en el perfil del voluntario/a con el fin de conocer los motivos que les impulsa a realizar esta acción, para saber si son altruistas o por el contrario si con su acción esperan conseguir algo a cambio. Para conocer el perfil de las personas voluntarias se han tomado como base diferentes variables que hasta el momento, en estudios anteriores, no eran tenidas en cuenta. Se expondrá la relación existente entre las personas voluntarias y los profesionales, trabajadores sociales, que desempeñan tareas en organizaciones voluntarias dentro del tercer sector así como los conflictos que pueden surgir entre estos dos colectivos y se tratará una posible precarización en este sector
The present work will deal with volunteering and the people who carry out the voluntary action. To do this, a journey will be made throughout history in order to demonstrate that it is not a new phenomenon, although it is true that its way of understanding has varied throughout the different stages. To delve deeper into the subject, the profile of the volunteer will be delved into in order to know the reasons that drive them to carry out this action, to know if they are altruistic or, on the contrary, if they hope to get something in return with their action. To know the profile of the volunteers, different variables have been taken as a basis that, until now, in previous studies, were not taken into account. The relationship between volunteers and professionals, social workers, who perform tasks in voluntary organizations within the third sector will be exposed, as well as the conflicts that may arise between these two groups and a possible precariousness in this sector will be discussed
The present work will deal with volunteering and the people who carry out the voluntary action. To do this, a journey will be made throughout history in order to demonstrate that it is not a new phenomenon, although it is true that its way of understanding has varied throughout the different stages. To delve deeper into the subject, the profile of the volunteer will be delved into in order to know the reasons that drive them to carry out this action, to know if they are altruistic or, on the contrary, if they hope to get something in return with their action. To know the profile of the volunteers, different variables have been taken as a basis that, until now, in previous studies, were not taken into account. The relationship between volunteers and professionals, social workers, who perform tasks in voluntary organizations within the third sector will be exposed, as well as the conflicts that may arise between these two groups and a possible precariousness in this sector will be discussed
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