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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] La implantación de las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación en la acción docente ha
abierto un abanico de posibilidades, por lo que se hace necesario distinguir una serie de nuevas
prácticas. Describimos, a través de una investigación documental, las nuevas filosofías educativas
que se basan en los entornos personales de aprendizaje, conceptualización del método que
seguimos para aprender, producir y publicar información, así como para producir nuevos
contenidos, añadirles valor y licenciarlos bajo las condiciones que deseemos; metodologías
activas, como el aprendizaje basado en proyectos, el aprendizaje cooperativo o el aprendizaje
informal; el uso de conceptos como competencias y habilidades, que sustituyen a los contenidos;
y la trascendencia del conectivismo, la construcción del conocimiento a través de redes
personales. En definitiva, nuevas metodologías o usos renovados de ellas, que buscan un
aprendizaje significativo para el alumnado y cuya utilidad ya se empieza a comprobar en los
[EN] The implantation of communication and information tecnologies in teaching action has brought a set of new practices that is necessary to discriminate. Across a documentary investigation, we describe the new educative philosophies based in the personal learning enviroments, a conceptualisation of the method we proceed for learning, produce and publish information, and develop, add value or license new content. This philosophies are based too in the active motodologies, like based project learning, cooperative learning or informal learning. We center the point of view in the new concepts than sustitute contents, like competences and abilities, and the trascendence of conectivism, the personal networks knowledge construction. Definetely, we work with the new methods or applications, like some centers, wich target is to find a significative student learning.
[EN] The implantation of communication and information tecnologies in teaching action has brought a set of new practices that is necessary to discriminate. Across a documentary investigation, we describe the new educative philosophies based in the personal learning enviroments, a conceptualisation of the method we proceed for learning, produce and publish information, and develop, add value or license new content. This philosophies are based too in the active motodologies, like based project learning, cooperative learning or informal learning. We center the point of view in the new concepts than sustitute contents, like competences and abilities, and the trascendence of conectivism, the personal networks knowledge construction. Definetely, we work with the new methods or applications, like some centers, wich target is to find a significative student learning.
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