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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] La alimentación y nutrición son uno de los procesos vitales de las personas.
Debido a los problemas de alimentación actuales, en la práctica del Técnico o de la
Técnica en Farmacia y Parafarmacia tendrán que dispensar productos
complementarios o sustitutivos de la alimentación. Este trabajo muestra una
programación didáctica que se va a desarrollar en el Instituto de Educación Secundaria
San Juan Bosco de Jaén, en el módulo de Dispensación de productos
parafarmacéuticos del Ciclo Formativo de Grado Medio en Farmacia y Parafarmacia. El
trabajo consta de dos partes: en la primera se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica
para definir los conceptos de alimentación y nutrición, clasificar los diferentes
nutrientes, describir las características de la dieta mediterránea, saber interpretar los
valores somatométricos de interés, conocer los productos dietéticos para la obesidad y
describir y clasificar la fibra, las vitaminas, los edulcorantes, las infusiones alimentarias
y los alimentos tradicionales. En la segunda parte se identifica la normativa educativa
de la programación didáctica, se adscribe a una etapa, ciclo y nivel educativo, se
describen los elementos curriculares básicos y complementarios y se muestra una
propuesta de innovación en las actividades realizadas. Esta programación va a
fomentar en todo momento el uso de las TIC y el aprendizaje basado en proyectos.
Palabras clave: alimentación, nutrición, programación didáctica, dieta mediterránea,
TIC, unidad didáctica.
[EN]Food and nutrition are one of the vital processes of people. Due to the current feeding problems, in the practice of the Technician or the Technician in Pharmacy and Parapharmacy they will have to dispense complementary or substitute products of the feeding. This work shows a didactic program that will be developed at the San Juan Bosco Secondary Education Institute in Jaén, in the Dispensation module for parapharmaceutical products of the Middle Grade Training Cycle in Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals. The work consists of two parts: in the first, a bibliographic review has been carried out to define the concepts of food and nutrition, to classify the different nutrients, to describe the characteristics of the Mediterranean diet, to know how to interpret the somatometric values of interest, to know the dietetic products for obesity and to describe and classify fiber, vitamins, sweeteners, food infusions and traditional foods. In the second part, the educational regulation of the didactic programming is identified, it is ascribed to a stage, cycle and educational level, the basic and complementary curricular elements are described and a proposal of innovation in the activities carried out is shown. This programming will encourage the use of ICT and project-based learning at all times. Key words: feeding, nutrition, didactic programming, Mediterranean diet, ICT, teaching unit.
[EN]Food and nutrition are one of the vital processes of people. Due to the current feeding problems, in the practice of the Technician or the Technician in Pharmacy and Parapharmacy they will have to dispense complementary or substitute products of the feeding. This work shows a didactic program that will be developed at the San Juan Bosco Secondary Education Institute in Jaén, in the Dispensation module for parapharmaceutical products of the Middle Grade Training Cycle in Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals. The work consists of two parts: in the first, a bibliographic review has been carried out to define the concepts of food and nutrition, to classify the different nutrients, to describe the characteristics of the Mediterranean diet, to know how to interpret the somatometric values of interest, to know the dietetic products for obesity and to describe and classify fiber, vitamins, sweeteners, food infusions and traditional foods. In the second part, the educational regulation of the didactic programming is identified, it is ascribed to a stage, cycle and educational level, the basic and complementary curricular elements are described and a proposal of innovation in the activities carried out is shown. This programming will encourage the use of ICT and project-based learning at all times. Key words: feeding, nutrition, didactic programming, Mediterranean diet, ICT, teaching unit.
Palabras clave
Procesos sanitarios