Diálogo fe y cultura. Camino de Santiago una propuesta didáctica.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En la actualidad, el camino a Santiago de Compostela es uno de los grandes
movimientos de fe cristiana que atrae a miles de peregrinos cada año. Estos llegan a Santiago
siguiendo las diferentes rutas que han ido surgiendo a lo largo de la historia. El camino es un
claro ejemplo de la unión entre la fe y la cultura. Lo que en un principio era un acto de fe se
ha convertido en una tradición capaz de transformar a la persona y al entorno. Este trabajo
pretende plasmar como la cultura ha ido evolucionando con el paso del tiempo y el papel que
la ha jugado en dicho proceso y sus peculiaridades. Además, el Camino es un elemento útil
para la docencia de la Religión Católica.
Actually, the route to Santiago de Compostela is one of the great movements of Christian faith that attracts thousands of pilgrims every year. These arrive to Santiago following the different routes that have emerged over the years. . The route is an example of the union between faith and culture. What at first was an act of faith has become a tradition able to transform the people and the environment. This work intends to reflect how culture has evolved over the years and the role of faith in this process, also reveals the reason of pilgrimages to Santiago, the different ways to reach it and its peculiarities. In addition, the Way is a useful element for the teaching of the Catholic Religion.
Actually, the route to Santiago de Compostela is one of the great movements of Christian faith that attracts thousands of pilgrims every year. These arrive to Santiago following the different routes that have emerged over the years. . The route is an example of the union between faith and culture. What at first was an act of faith has become a tradition able to transform the people and the environment. This work intends to reflect how culture has evolved over the years and the role of faith in this process, also reveals the reason of pilgrimages to Santiago, the different ways to reach it and its peculiarities. In addition, the Way is a useful element for the teaching of the Catholic Religion.
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Educación Especial