Producción ecológica en Torres (Jaén)
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La agricultura ecológica se presenta actualmente como un cultivo que está
teniendo un gran impulso que pretende producir unos alimentos más saludables,
proteger el medio ambiente y apoyar a la biodiversidad. En el presente trabajo se
intenta dar a conocer este tipo de cultivo en el municipio de Torres, lugar que se
caracteriza por una agricultura tradicional que se ha ido traspasando de generación
en generación. En primer lugar, se hará un análisis de las caracteristicas físicas y
climáticas de Torres, las cuales afectan y hacen posible este tipo de cultivo. A partir de
un análisis profundo se ha podido entender los motivos por lo que no está tan
extendida esta práctica, siendo el principal motivo el desconocimiento que existe de
este sector en el resto de agricultores. Por tanto, se considera que para conseguir un
mayor impulso en las generaciones venideras, es necesario una mejor promoción de la
Organic farming is currently being promoted as a crop that aims to produce healthier food, protect the environment and support biodiversity. In this paper we will try to present this type of farming in the municipality of Torres, a place that is characterised by a traditional agriculture that has been passed down from generation to generation. Firstly, an analysis will be made of the physical and climatic characteristics of Torres, which affect and make this type of crop possible. From an indepth analysis, it has been possible to understand the reasons why this practice is not so widespread, the main reason being the lack of knowledge of this sector among the rest of the farmers. Therefore, it is considered that, in order to achieve a greater impulse in future generations, a better promotion of ecology is necessary.
Organic farming is currently being promoted as a crop that aims to produce healthier food, protect the environment and support biodiversity. In this paper we will try to present this type of farming in the municipality of Torres, a place that is characterised by a traditional agriculture that has been passed down from generation to generation. Firstly, an analysis will be made of the physical and climatic characteristics of Torres, which affect and make this type of crop possible. From an indepth analysis, it has been possible to understand the reasons why this practice is not so widespread, the main reason being the lack of knowledge of this sector among the rest of the farmers. Therefore, it is considered that, in order to achieve a greater impulse in future generations, a better promotion of ecology is necessary.