Conocimientos y actitudes de los profesionales sanitarios acerca de la donación y el trasplante de órganos
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Introducción: La donación de órganos es un gesto voluntario llevado a cabo sin ningún tipo de compensación económica. En la actualidad, la ONT desempeña un trabajo ejemplar dentro del cual Enfermería desempeña un papel característico. Los profesionales sanitarios deben actualizar su formación de manera continua. Objetivos: El objetivo de este estudio es identificar las actitudes y conocimientos de los distintos profesionales sanitarios frente al proceso de donación y trasplante de órganos. Metodología: Se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica en bases de datos nacionales e internacionales, incluyendo estudios que hacen referencia a las actitudes de los profesionales sanitarios. Resultados: Se han seleccionado 20 artículos, en los que cabe destacar la mayor participación de enfermeras. Dichos artículos hacen referencia a las actitudes de los profesionales acerca de la donación y el trasplante de órganos, a los conocimientos que presentan sobre el diagnóstico de muerte cerebral y sus actitudes frente a la entrevista familiar. Conclusiones: La donación y el trasplante de órganos es apoyado por gran parte de profesionales sanitarios, mostrando éstos actitudes positivas. Destaca la falta de formación de los profesionales. Además, conocen e identifican el diagnóstico de muerte cerebral y consideran la entrevista familiar como uno de los momentos más difíciles.
[EN] Introduction: Organ donation is a voluntary act performed without any compensation. At present, the ONT performs an exemplary job in which Nursing plays a distinctive part. Health care professionals must update their training continuously. Objectives: The aim of this study is to identify the attitudes and knowledge of the various health professionals to the process of donation and organ transplantation. Methodology: We performed a literature review on grounds of national and international data, including studies that refer to the attitudes of health professionals. Results: We selected 20 items, which include the greater participation of nurses. These articles refer to the attitudes of professionals about the donation and transplantation of organs, present knowledge on the diagnosis of brain death and its attitudes to the family interview. Conclusions: The donation and transplantation of organs is largely supported by health professionals, showing these positive attitudes. It highlights the lack of training of professionals. Also, they know and identify the diagnosis of brain death and consider the family interview as one of the most difficult moments.
[EN] Introduction: Organ donation is a voluntary act performed without any compensation. At present, the ONT performs an exemplary job in which Nursing plays a distinctive part. Health care professionals must update their training continuously. Objectives: The aim of this study is to identify the attitudes and knowledge of the various health professionals to the process of donation and organ transplantation. Methodology: We performed a literature review on grounds of national and international data, including studies that refer to the attitudes of health professionals. Results: We selected 20 items, which include the greater participation of nurses. These articles refer to the attitudes of professionals about the donation and transplantation of organs, present knowledge on the diagnosis of brain death and its attitudes to the family interview. Conclusions: The donation and transplantation of organs is largely supported by health professionals, showing these positive attitudes. It highlights the lack of training of professionals. Also, they know and identify the diagnosis of brain death and consider the family interview as one of the most difficult moments.