La canción como recurso en el aprendizaje del inglés en educación infantil
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El consiguiente trabajo de Fin de Grado presenta el uso de la música para el aprendizaje y la enseñanza del inglés en la etapa escolar de Educación Infantil. Durante el progreso del trabajo se incluye el análisis objetivo de la música como herramienta a favor del inglés. Partiendo de una investigación sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje y las diferentes teorías de adquisición de una lengua extranjera en esta etapa, se llevará a cabo la explicación detallada de cada una de las partes que en este trabajo se recogen. Seguidamente, al finalizar la parte teórica se propone una propuesta didáctica basada en el uso de la música como recurso en la etapa de educación infantil. A través de esta propuesta didáctica se elaborarán diferentes actividades temporalizadas para los alumnos de segundo ciclo de educación infantil. Para finalizar, se extrae una conclusión final sobre la propuesta teórica y la propuesta didáctica llevadas a cabo.
The following Degree's final work shows the use of the music for the English learning and teaching in the school schooling stage of lnfant Education. Along the progress of the work it is included the objective analysis of the music as a tool in favour of English. Departing from a research about the teaching and learning and the different theories of acquisition of a foreign language in this stage, it is carried out the detailed explanation of each parts involved in this work. Next, when the theory part is over it is proposed a didactic proposal based on the use of music as resource in the lnfant Education stage. Through this didactic proposal different temporality activities will be elaborated for the students of second cycle of lnfant Education. Finally, it is developed a final conclusion about the theoretic and didactic proposals carried out.
The following Degree's final work shows the use of the music for the English learning and teaching in the school schooling stage of lnfant Education. Along the progress of the work it is included the objective analysis of the music as a tool in favour of English. Departing from a research about the teaching and learning and the different theories of acquisition of a foreign language in this stage, it is carried out the detailed explanation of each parts involved in this work. Next, when the theory part is over it is proposed a didactic proposal based on the use of music as resource in the lnfant Education stage. Through this didactic proposal different temporality activities will be elaborated for the students of second cycle of lnfant Education. Finally, it is developed a final conclusion about the theoretic and didactic proposals carried out.