Adaptación del alumnado extranjero al sistema educativo español
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En este trabajo fin de grado el objetivo principal es alcanzar una adaptación del alumnado extranjero al sistema educativo español, debido al crecimiento de migración que está ocurriendo dentro de nuestro país.
Mediante el uso de conceptos como transculturalidad, lectura fácil y metodología activa, se podrá conseguir el fin propuesto, garantizando una inclusión tanto a nivel social como académico.
In this end-degree work, the main objective is to achieve an adaptation of the foreign students to the Spanish’s educative system, because of the raise of migration that it is happens in our country. Throughs the use of concepts like transculturality, easy read and an active methodology, the proposed purpose could be achieved, ensuring both inclusion at academic and social level.
In this end-degree work, the main objective is to achieve an adaptation of the foreign students to the Spanish’s educative system, because of the raise of migration that it is happens in our country. Throughs the use of concepts like transculturality, easy read and an active methodology, the proposed purpose could be achieved, ensuring both inclusion at academic and social level.
Palabras clave
Lenguas extranjeras