La inclusión de la gamificación en el desarrollo de la creatividad
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Con la elaboración de este proyecto, se pretende que el alumnado recupere la motivación en la asignatura de Educación Musical. Partiendo de esa base, se considera fundamental la utilización de metodologías innovadoras que causen interés en el alumnado, así como la gamificación. Otro de los pilares de este proyecto, es la búsqueda de un aumento de la creatividad en el alumnado, ya que esta está muy ligada a la Educación Musical.
Es por esto que La gamificación ha de ser utilizada con la finalidad de estimular los procesos de aprendizaje con la utilización de juegos didácticos que favorezcan la creatividad del alumnado y generen motivación por el contenido que se imparte.
With the development of this project, it is intended that the students regain motivation in the subject of Musical Education. On this basis, the use of innovative methodologies that cause interest in students is considered essential, as well as gamification. Another of the pillars of this project is the search for an increase in creativity in students, since it is closely linked to Musical Education. This is why gamification has to be used in order to stimulate learning processes with the use of didactic games that stimulate the creativity of the students and generate motivation for the content that is taught.
With the development of this project, it is intended that the students regain motivation in the subject of Musical Education. On this basis, the use of innovative methodologies that cause interest in students is considered essential, as well as gamification. Another of the pillars of this project is the search for an increase in creativity in students, since it is closely linked to Musical Education. This is why gamification has to be used in order to stimulate learning processes with the use of didactic games that stimulate the creativity of the students and generate motivation for the content that is taught.
Palabras clave
Mención en Educación Física