Identidades sonoras: otra visión del curriculum hegemónico en Educación Infantil
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]Con este proyecto se pretende aportar una perspectiva diferente del curriculum en Educación
Infantil en el área de Lenguajes: comunicación y representación, concretamente desde el
lenguaje musical. Para ello, se hace necesario partir de los intereses, motivaciones y de la
realidad del propio alumno tomando como base una enseñanza individualizada con el fin de
que ésta cobre sentido. Además, se contará con la colaboración de las familias, algo que es
fundamental y clave para un óptimo desarrollo del niño. El fin último es que el alumnado
llegue a encontrar su identidad sonora (su “yo sonoro”) y aprenda a diferenciarla de las de sus
iguales, sintiéndose partícipe de su propio aprendizaje y llegando a concebir la música como
un lenguaje y una forma de expresión de sentimientos y emociones que lo ubica dentro del
mundo que lo rodea.
[EN]The aim of this project is to provide a different perspective in the curriculum of Childhood Education in the area of Languages: communication and representation, particularly from the musical language. For that purpose, it is necessary to start from the interests, motivations and reality of the pupil himself, based on individualized instruction in order to this makes sense. Moreover, it will involve the collaboration of families, something that is essential and key to optimal child development.The ultimate goal is that children will be able to find their sound identity (his/her own sound) and learn to differentiate this sound identity from those of their peers, feeling involved in their own learning and getting to conceive music as a language and a form of expression of feelings and emotions that places the child within the world around him/her.
[EN]The aim of this project is to provide a different perspective in the curriculum of Childhood Education in the area of Languages: communication and representation, particularly from the musical language. For that purpose, it is necessary to start from the interests, motivations and reality of the pupil himself, based on individualized instruction in order to this makes sense. Moreover, it will involve the collaboration of families, something that is essential and key to optimal child development.The ultimate goal is that children will be able to find their sound identity (his/her own sound) and learn to differentiate this sound identity from those of their peers, feeling involved in their own learning and getting to conceive music as a language and a form of expression of feelings and emotions that places the child within the world around him/her.