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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El Trabajo Fin de Máster se divide en dos partes. En la primera parte de este trabajo se realizará una
revisión bibliográfica de los distintos pensamientos que han dado lugar al concepto de localización para,
posteriormente, servir de inspiración a los nuevos estudios que se realizan sobre este concepto. Se
seguirá con la evolución de las TIC, el análisis descriptivo y analítico de la decisión de dónde localizarse y
se acabará con el concepto de deslocalización. En la segunda parte se desarrolla la Unidad Didáctica de
la asignatura de Economía de la Empresa para el segundo curso de Bachillerato donde se expondrán los
conocimientos adquiridos durante la investigación realizada previamente para la fundamentación
epistemológica, a fin de reflejar en el alumnado, la importancia de la localización de una empresa, los
factores que influyen y por qué muchas fábricas se deslocalizan.
The Master's Thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part of this work, a bibliographic review of the different thoughts that have given rise to the concept of location will be carried out, in order to subsequently serve as inspiration for the new studies that are carried out on this concept. It will continue with the evolution of ICT, the descriptive and analytical analysis of the decision of where to locate and the concept of relocation will end. In the second part, the Didactic Unit of the subject of Business Economics for the second year of Baccalaureate is developed, where the knowledge acquired during the research previously carried out for the epistemological foundation will be exposed, in order to reflect in the students, the importance of the location of a company, the factors that influence it and why many factories relocate.
The Master's Thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part of this work, a bibliographic review of the different thoughts that have given rise to the concept of location will be carried out, in order to subsequently serve as inspiration for the new studies that are carried out on this concept. It will continue with the evolution of ICT, the descriptive and analytical analysis of the decision of where to locate and the concept of relocation will end. In the second part, the Didactic Unit of the subject of Business Economics for the second year of Baccalaureate is developed, where the knowledge acquired during the research previously carried out for the epistemological foundation will be exposed, in order to reflect in the students, the importance of the location of a company, the factors that influence it and why many factories relocate.
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