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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El presente trabajo de Fin de Máster, lo voy a realizar en torno al momento del Recreo Activo, que forma parte del horario escolar de todos los Centros Educativos. Para ello me serviré de ese tiempo educativo, como elemento facilitador de la socialización de las personas con discapacidad visual.
La idea es llevar a cabo un proyecto de intervención educativa, en el momento del Recreo. Lo realizaré para un Colegio de Educación Infantil y Primaria (CEIP), tomando como referencia la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía e irá dirigido a todos/as los/as alumnos/as de dicho centro educativo.
[EN] The present work of Master's End, I'm going to do around the time of Active Recreation, which is part of the school schedule of all schools. For this I will use that educational time, as a facilitator of the socialization of people with visual disabilities. The idea is to carry out an educational intervention project, at the time of the Recess. I will do it for a School of Infant and Primary Education (CEIP), taking as reference the Autonomous Community of Andalusia and will be addressed to all / as students / as of that educational center.
[EN] The present work of Master's End, I'm going to do around the time of Active Recreation, which is part of the school schedule of all schools. For this I will use that educational time, as a facilitator of the socialization of people with visual disabilities. The idea is to carry out an educational intervention project, at the time of the Recess. I will do it for a School of Infant and Primary Education (CEIP), taking as reference the Autonomous Community of Andalusia and will be addressed to all / as students / as of that educational center.