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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Con el presente Trabajo Fin de Máster se pretende aprovechar la relación que existe entre el mundo del aceite de oliva y la física y la química para desarrollar una unidad didáctica que acerque al alumnado a la cultura del olivar. Este acercamiento tiene como finalidad generar en el alumnado un sentimiento de implicación y preocupación por el sector, de forma que sean capaces de promocionarlo y mejorarlo tecnológica, económica y socialmente apostando siempre por la calidad y la comercialización de los productos del olivar. Por lo tanto con esto se pretende afrontar el reto que para los olivicultores es hoy en día, la participación en la cadena de valor añadido, logrando aceites de altísima calidad y en comercializarlos con una imagen de calidad y confianza en los mercados internacionales.
[EN] With this Master's Thesis, we intend to take advantage of the relationship that exists between the world of olive oil and physics and chemistry to develop a didactic unit that brings students closer to the culture of the olive grove. The purpose of this approach is to generate in the students a feeling of involvement and concern for the sector, so that they are able to promote it and improve it technologically, economically and socially, always betting on the quality and marketing of olive products. Therefore, with this it is intended to face the challenge that for olive growers is today, participation in the added value chain, achieving high quality oils and marketing them with an image of quality and confidence in international markets.
[EN] With this Master's Thesis, we intend to take advantage of the relationship that exists between the world of olive oil and physics and chemistry to develop a didactic unit that brings students closer to the culture of the olive grove. The purpose of this approach is to generate in the students a feeling of involvement and concern for the sector, so that they are able to promote it and improve it technologically, economically and socially, always betting on the quality and marketing of olive products. Therefore, with this it is intended to face the challenge that for olive growers is today, participation in the added value chain, achieving high quality oils and marketing them with an image of quality and confidence in international markets.