Mediación Comunitaria y resolución de conflictos en el aula
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[ES]Uno de los pilares a propuesta de la Comisión Internacional de la UNESCO con respecto a la educación del siglo en el que nos encontramos implica “aprender a vivir juntos”. En el modelo europeo de gestión de calidad llevado a cabo en el ámbito educativo, uno de los indicadores se refiere, concretamente, a la convivencia escolar, cuando hace alusión tanto al clima de centro como al clima de aula. Por lo tanto, la convivencia en el aula debe ser tomada como un indicador de calidad educativa.
Actualmente, el trabajo de la convivencia y resolución de conflictos son ámbitos indispensables, ya que a través de ellos podremos conseguir los objetivos que hacen referencia con los contenidos y que nos proponemos al inicio de cada curso, pero también lo son para que el alumno se incorpore a la sociedad de forma activa y responsable.
En este trabajo fin de máster serán abordados diferentes conceptos relacionados con la resolución de conflictos y la convivencia escolar, cuyo eje central será la mediación. En este sentido, el presente trabajo expone qué es la mediación, sus tipos y las fases que la componen y el conflicto su tipología y evolución, el rol de docente en la resolución de conflictos y los modelos en la resolución de conflictos en el contexto escolar.
[EN]One of the pillars proposed by the UNESCO International Commission with respect to the education of the century in which we find ourselves involves “learning to live together”. In the European model of quality management carried out in the educational field, one of the indicators refers, specifically, to school coexistence, when it refers to both the school climate and the classroom climate. Therefore, coexistence in the classroom should be taken as an indicator of educational quality. Currently, the work of coexistence and conflict resolution are essential areas, since through them we can achieve the objectives that refer to the contents and that we propose at the beginning of each course, but they are also for the student to actively and responsibly incorporate society. In this Project, different concepts related to conflict resolution and school coexistence will be addressed, whose central axis will be mediation. In this sense, the present work exposes what mediation is, its types and the phases that compose it and the conflict, its typology and evolution, the role of teacher in conflict resolution and the models in conflict resolution in the school context.
[EN]One of the pillars proposed by the UNESCO International Commission with respect to the education of the century in which we find ourselves involves “learning to live together”. In the European model of quality management carried out in the educational field, one of the indicators refers, specifically, to school coexistence, when it refers to both the school climate and the classroom climate. Therefore, coexistence in the classroom should be taken as an indicator of educational quality. Currently, the work of coexistence and conflict resolution are essential areas, since through them we can achieve the objectives that refer to the contents and that we propose at the beginning of each course, but they are also for the student to actively and responsibly incorporate society. In this Project, different concepts related to conflict resolution and school coexistence will be addressed, whose central axis will be mediation. In this sense, the present work exposes what mediation is, its types and the phases that compose it and the conflict, its typology and evolution, the role of teacher in conflict resolution and the models in conflict resolution in the school context.
Palabras clave
Formación y Orientación Laboral (FOL)