La feminización de las migraciones. La situación laboral de las mujeres latinoamericanas en España y Andalucía
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La feminización de las migraciones ha ido en aumento en los últimos años. A través de este análisis documental se pretende introducir una perspectiva de género en las migraciones cuyo objetivo principal es conocer la posición de las mujeres migrantes Latinoamericanas en España y Andalucía en el contexto sociolaboral realizada mediante la metodología cualitativa, cuyos datos son obtenidos por una revisión bibliográfica. Este trabajo fin de grado me ha supuesto determinar que las mujeres inmigrantes es uno de los colectivos más vulnerables y discriminados en el mundo y por ello hay que dar una mayor visibilidad a las inmigrantes en los trabajos del hogar y de cuidados, donde la mayoría son ocupados por mujeres latinas en España
The feminization of migrations has been increasing in recent years.Through this documentary analysis, it is intended to introduce a gender perspective in the migratory phenomenon being main objective to know the position of the immigrant women from South American in Spain in Spain and Andalusia in the work context through a qualitative methodology, with data are obtained by are bibliographic review. Do this end-of-degree project has led me to determine that immigrant women are the most vulnerable and discriminated group in the world and for this you have to give maximum visibility to these immigrant women in domestic and care work, where the majority are occupied by Latin women in Spain
The feminization of migrations has been increasing in recent years.Through this documentary analysis, it is intended to introduce a gender perspective in the migratory phenomenon being main objective to know the position of the immigrant women from South American in Spain in Spain and Andalusia in the work context through a qualitative methodology, with data are obtained by are bibliographic review. Do this end-of-degree project has led me to determine that immigrant women are the most vulnerable and discriminated group in the world and for this you have to give maximum visibility to these immigrant women in domestic and care work, where the majority are occupied by Latin women in Spain
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