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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Mi trabajo de fin de grado trata de analizar, cómo el propio contexto, lo más cercano
a los alumnos/as, es un recurso didáctico muy motivador y atractivo en la enseñanza de la
lengua del inglés, puesto que utiliza elementos propios del lenguaje, importantísimos en el
proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de cualquier idioma. Todo esto unido a las TIC, hacen que
el aprendizaje del inglés sea muy productivo, no solo para la enseñanza de este idioma, sino
para la educación en valores y cultura para la paz. La utilización adaptada de distintos
recursos, metodologías y el propio contexto, facilitan la competencia lingüística en toda su
extensión, hablar, escribir, leer y escuchar, a todo ello se suma un elemento fundamental
como es la motivación.
En este trabajo he analizado tres recursos del entorno: cuentos, canciones y los juegos
populares, por considerarlos excepcionalmente motivadores, en la consecución del currículo
de las lenguas extranjeras.
My work order degree tries to analyse the closest environment to the students, as the own context which is a motivating and attractive didactic resource in the teaching of the English language, because it uses elements of the language which are very important in the teaching-learning process of any language. All this together with ICT, make learning English very productive, not only for the teaching of this language, but for education in values and culture for peace. The adapted use of different resources, methodologies and the own context, facilitate the linguistic competence in all their extension, to speak, to write, to read and to listen, and to all this a fundamental element as the motivation is added. In this work I have analysed three environment resources: stories, songs and popular games, considering them exceptionally motivating, in achieving the curriculum of foreign languages
My work order degree tries to analyse the closest environment to the students, as the own context which is a motivating and attractive didactic resource in the teaching of the English language, because it uses elements of the language which are very important in the teaching-learning process of any language. All this together with ICT, make learning English very productive, not only for the teaching of this language, but for education in values and culture for peace. The adapted use of different resources, methodologies and the own context, facilitate the linguistic competence in all their extension, to speak, to write, to read and to listen, and to all this a fundamental element as the motivation is added. In this work I have analysed three environment resources: stories, songs and popular games, considering them exceptionally motivating, in achieving the curriculum of foreign languages
Palabras clave
Lengua Extranjera (Inglés)