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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]La incertidumbre que atraviesan las/los jóvenes a la hora de elegir un
itinerario formativo-profesionalizante y la inquietud laboral del mercado de trabajo les
hace replantearse cómo será su futuro laboral y qué camino es el más adecuado elegir.
Además, la crisis económica sufrida en el año 2008, también ha contribuido a que el
sistema productivo español se vea afectado por unos porcentajes de desempleo
elevados. Esto ha hecho que el número de estudiantes se haya incrementado en los
últimos años, decantándose por un itinerario formativo-profesionalizante como vía de
escape hacia ampliar las salidas profesionales en el currículum vitae y conseguir una
inserción laboral en el mercado de trabajo.
El objetivo de este trabajo es que el alumnado del Ciclo Superior de Laboratorio Clínico
y Biomédico conozca de forma genérica el marco de la Formación Profesional, cuáles
son las áreas ocupacionales y los diferentes caminos que reportan las familias
profesionales, haciendo hincapié de forma particular en el bloque de Orientación
Laboral enfocado en la unidad didáctica.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Formación Profesional, Itinerario formativo-profesionalizante,
empleo, salida profesional, orientación laboral, autoempleo.
[EN]The uncertainty that young people face when choosing a formativeprofessionalizing itinerary and the labor market's restlessness makes them rethink how their future will be and what path is the most appropriate to choose. In addition, the economic crisis suffered in 2008 has also contributed to the Spanish productive system being affected by high percentages of unemployment. This has helped the number of students has increased in recent years, using a formative-professional itinerary as an escape route to increase career opportunities and achieve job placement in the labor market. The objective of this work is that the students of the Higher Cycle of Clinical and Biomedical Laboratory know in a generic way the framework of Vocational Training, what are the occupational areas and the different paths that professional families report, emphasizing in a particular way the Labor orientation block focused on the didactic unit. KEYWORDS: Vocational Training, Trainig-professionalizing itinerary, employment, professional output, career guidance, self-employment
[EN]The uncertainty that young people face when choosing a formativeprofessionalizing itinerary and the labor market's restlessness makes them rethink how their future will be and what path is the most appropriate to choose. In addition, the economic crisis suffered in 2008 has also contributed to the Spanish productive system being affected by high percentages of unemployment. This has helped the number of students has increased in recent years, using a formative-professional itinerary as an escape route to increase career opportunities and achieve job placement in the labor market. The objective of this work is that the students of the Higher Cycle of Clinical and Biomedical Laboratory know in a generic way the framework of Vocational Training, what are the occupational areas and the different paths that professional families report, emphasizing in a particular way the Labor orientation block focused on the didactic unit. KEYWORDS: Vocational Training, Trainig-professionalizing itinerary, employment, professional output, career guidance, self-employment
Palabras clave
Formación y orientación laboral