Diseño de una Programación Didáctica basada en las emociones para estudiantes de Educación Infantil
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(ES) El presente trabajo expone una programación didáctica innovadora que engloba las tres áreas del
currículo de Educación Infantil. En ella se plantea un enfoque globalizador a través de una
intervención educativa en la que se trabaja los sentimientos, las emociones y la autoestima, por
medio de metodologías activas como son el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos, trabajo cooperativo
y trabajo por rincones. Realizar programaciones donde se promueva la educación emocional de los
estudiantes desde edades tempranas supone una herramienta eficaz e importante para que el
alumnado se desarrolle positivamente, constatando que la edad en la que se va a llevar a cabo es
correcta para el desarrollo de este tipo de proyectos, puesto que el momento en el que se
encuentran los estudiantes es evolutivo y favorable.
(EN) This paper presents an innovative teaching programme that encompasses the three areas of the Early Childhood Education curriculum. It proposes a globalising approach through an educational intervention in which feelings, emotions and self-esteem are worked on by means of active methodologies such as Project Based Learning, cooperative work and work in corners. Carrying out programmes which promote the emotional education of students from an early age is an effective and important tool for the positive development of the students, confirming that the age at which it is to be carried out is correct for the development of this type of project, given that the students are at an evolutionary and favourable stage.
(EN) This paper presents an innovative teaching programme that encompasses the three areas of the Early Childhood Education curriculum. It proposes a globalising approach through an educational intervention in which feelings, emotions and self-esteem are worked on by means of active methodologies such as Project Based Learning, cooperative work and work in corners. Carrying out programmes which promote the emotional education of students from an early age is an effective and important tool for the positive development of the students, confirming that the age at which it is to be carried out is correct for the development of this type of project, given that the students are at an evolutionary and favourable stage.