Efectividad del tratamiento mediante ejercicio terapéutico acuático para el manejo del dolor lumbar. Una revisión sistemática
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Objetivo: Determinar la eficacia del tratamiento mediante ejercicio físico acuático para el manejo del dolor lumbar. Métodos: Se
efectuó una búsqueda en las bases de datos Pubmed, PEDro y Crochane‐library. Fueron incluidos aquellos artículos publicados
desde enero de 2004 a mayo de 2016 en lengua española o inglesa cuyo tratamiento mediante ejercicio acuático estuviese
destinado a mejorar la lumbalgia y que incluyesen la variable de resultado dolor. Resultados: Fueron encontrados 354 pero tan
solo 8 ensayos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Tres modalidades fisioterapéuticas fueron encontradas entre todos los
artículos incluidos en la revisión: ejercicio acuático terapéutico global, carrera continua bajo el agua y ejercicios de control motor
y estabilización lumbar. Conclusión: El ejercicio acuático favorece la recuperación del dolor lumbar, pero la evidencia publicada es
[EN] Objective: determining the efficacy of treatment using aquatic exercise for low back pain management. Methods: A search was carried out in databases Pubmed, Pedro and Crochane Library. They were included those articles published from January, 2004 to May, 2016, written in Spanish or English language whose treatment of aquatic exercise would be destined to improve back pain and that would include the outcome variable pain. Results: 354 articles were found but only 8 essays accomplished the inclusion criteria. Three physiotherapy modalities were found among the included articles in the review: overall therapeutic aquatic exercise, jogging underwater and motor control exercises and lumbar stabilization. Conclusion: Aquatic exercise promotes recovery of back pain but published evidence is lacking.
[EN] Objective: determining the efficacy of treatment using aquatic exercise for low back pain management. Methods: A search was carried out in databases Pubmed, Pedro and Crochane Library. They were included those articles published from January, 2004 to May, 2016, written in Spanish or English language whose treatment of aquatic exercise would be destined to improve back pain and that would include the outcome variable pain. Results: 354 articles were found but only 8 essays accomplished the inclusion criteria. Three physiotherapy modalities were found among the included articles in the review: overall therapeutic aquatic exercise, jogging underwater and motor control exercises and lumbar stabilization. Conclusion: Aquatic exercise promotes recovery of back pain but published evidence is lacking.
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